relation math

A relation between two sets is a collection of ordered pairs containing one object from each set.

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  • In mathematics, an n-ary relation on n sets, is any subset of Cartesian product of the n s...
    Relation (mathematics) - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...
  • In mathematics, a binary relation on a set A is a collection of ordered pairs of elements ...
    Binary relation - Wikipedia
  • Math Functions and Relations, how to find domain and range of relation and function. Diffe...
    Math Functions and Relations, what makes them different and ...
  • In this lesson, you will learn the definition of relation in terms of mathematics, as well...
    Relation in Math: Definition & Examples - Video & ...
  • A relation is any subset of a Cartesian product. For instance, a subset of A×B, called a &...
    Relation - Wolfram MathWorld: The Web's Most Extensive M ...
  • A relation between two sets is a collection of ordered pairs containing one object from ea...
    Relation definition - Math Insight
  • Informally, a relation is a rule that describes how elements of a set relate, or interact,...
    Relation | Math Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
  • Learn Relations in Mathematics - This video will introduce you & give you definition o...
    Relations in Mathematics - YouTube
  • relation 和 relationship 都是解關係,很多時候可以互通,relationship比較講情感上的關係,relation則比較講工作上的關係。現在分析各個情況: ...
    Relation和Relationship - 東東心思社
  • A set of input and output values, usually represented....complete information about the re...
    Definition and examples relation | define relation - Free Ma ...